What Happens When You Stop Taking HGH?

Key Points About HGH TherapyHuman growth hormone (HGH) is one of the most influential hormones in the body. While it is often viewed as the hormone that supports growth in children, its roles in the adult body are more widespread and crucial to optimal health.

HGH therapy provides supplemental hormones to adults dealing with the effects and symptoms of HGH deficiency. Numerous studies have looked at the many benefits of recombinant human growth hormone (rHGH) for adults. HGH deficiency contributes to reduced bone mass, muscle loss, decreased strength, fatigue, weight gain, impaired psychological well-being, decreased exercise capacity, declining cognitive function, low libido, and other undesirable issues. 

Although some people choose to remain on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for more extended periods, others may decide to stop their treatment sooner. In this report, we look at what happens when you stop taking HGH therapy.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Growth Hormone?

Human growth hormone has significant benefits for adults with a human growth hormone deficiency, especially those with cardiovascular risk factors. Hypopituitary adults have a decreased life expectancy and a higher risk of death due to cardiovascular disease. 

A review of 37 trials showed beneficial effects on lean and fat body mass, diastolic blood pressure, LDL and total cholesterol, and fasting glucose levels. 

Another study looked at the effects of long-term HGH therapy on bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC). Adults receiving HGH therapy sustained increases in lumbar spine and total body BMD and BMC. A study assessing GHD adults in multiple countries showed significant and sustained improvements in quality of life (QoL). These changes were seen in areas such as energy, social isolation, self-confidence, and tenseness.

HGH Therapy

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What Happens If You Stop Taking HGH?

Adults who receive HGH therapy to combat growth hormone deficiency may remain on their treatment protocol for as few as 9 to 12 months or as long as a few years. Research has shown the results of adults receiving HGH for up to 15 years without any adverse reactions. 

The decision to stop HGH is one to make with your provider, as you do not want to stop it immediately. Ending your treatment suddenly can cause withdrawal symptoms, leading to anxiety, fatigue, low libido, insomnia, or depression. Quitting HGH “cold turkey” can cause problems for your immune system, muscles, bones, cellular regeneration, cognitive processing, metabolism, sex drive, and more. Your doctor may want to wean you off your treatment gradually, depending on your current dosage. 

Stopping HGH therapy can lead to a return of the symptoms one had before beginning hormone replacement treatment. One study showed the following changes during 2 and 3 years off HGH injections:

  • Body fat percentage increased 
  • Body mass index (BMI) decreased (lean muscle loss)

In a review of other studies, these were the results of stopping HGH:

  • Total and LDL cholesterol increased in 3 of 4 studies
  • 2 quality of life studies reported worsening scores for emotional reactions and well-being

How long does it take for HGH to get out of your system?

Human growth hormone does not stay in the body for a long time. The dosage prescribed is part of the determining factors for how quickly it leaves your system. Another point is how your body metabolizes the HGH. The biological half-life of HGH can be between 9 and 17 hours. The circulating half-life is much shorter, between 20 and 30 minutes. Remember, pituitary HGH enters the bloodstream in a pulsatile burst and rapidly transports to the receptor cells for usage and removal from the bloodstream. 

Can you maintain HGH benefits after stopping treatment?

It is possible to maintain the benefits of HGH after you stop treatment. To do so requires taking steps to promote increased human growth hormone production by your pituitary gland. Lifestyle habits such as proper nutrition, adequate sleep, keeping weight in check, exercising, and reducing stress can help significantly. Peptide treatment can help stimulate increased HGH release from the pituitary gland. 

Another option to stopping HGH therapy is decreasing the dosage, which most hormone specialists will do once you reach your desired results. Lower maintenance dosage is ideal for many people. 

Never quit HGH therapy

How to Avoid Side Effects After Stopping Growth Hormone

If you decide to stop taking HGH, it is essential to take steps to maintain healthy growth hormone production by your anterior pituitary gland. Your healthcare provider will discuss these steps with you. An unhealthy lifestyle will increase the decline your body may exhibit as growth hormone levels decrease.How to avoid side effects after stopping HGH therapy

Another beneficial option for many adults is to transition to peptide therapy. Peptides can stimulate the pituitary gland to increase HGH production, which can help you maintain the many benefits you receive from HGH therapy.

How to Understand If You Should Start Taking HGH Again

Some people need supplemental HGH to prevent debilitating issues associated with extremely low human growth hormone levels. Only you can determine if the symptoms you experience warrant resuming your treatment. While a few more lines on your forehead may not impact your health, changes in lipid profile, cardiovascular functions, immunity, and metabolism can lead to significant problems. 

If your body returns to a state of human growth hormone deficiency, you might want to think about restarting HRT to maintain healthy muscles, bones, cognitive functions, and immunity. Adults with HGH deficiency risk developing osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, dementia, depression, low libido, obesity, and high blood pressure

Speaking with a hormone specialist to assess your situation is your best decision. That way, you get the facts from an expert who can determine if your body can benefit from HGH therapy or some other form of hormone replacement. For some people, diminished health, appearance, vitality, sex drive, and cognitive functions are reasons enough to resume necessary treatment.


Stopping HGH therapy is something to discuss with your hormone provider BEFORE making any decisions. Your doctor will guide you in the appropriate ways to protect the results you have achieved. If you currently use HGH injections, please contact our providers to discuss the safest way to stop your treatment. 

Our hormone therapy clinic is here to help you with all your HRT needs. 


How long should you take HGH injections?

Your hormone specialist is the best person to determine how long you should take HGH injections. Studies of adults receiving HGH therapy for up to 15 years have not shown any increased adverse reactions. 

Does taking HGH stop natural production?

HGH therapy does not stop natural human growth hormone production in those adults who are deficient in the hormone; it provides a supplemental dosage to increase levels to their normal state. 

What are the negative effects of HGH?

Increasing HGH levels too high can result in joint and muscle pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, insulin resistance, and edema. Hormone specialists use low-dose HGH therapy and monitor patients closely to avoid negative effects

Get in touch

Please get in touch and our expert support team will answer all your questions about HGH therapy.

8199 West River Street

Brooklyn, New York 11224

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