Male Pattern Baldness: Causes, Signs & Treatment

key points about male pattern baldnessThere can be many causes of male pattern baldness, one of which is age-related hormone loss.

The most common cause of hair loss in men, particularly older men, is male-pattern baldness. It has been estimated that by the time they are 50, half of all men will experience a noticeable receding hairline or other signs typical of male pattern baldness.

While there is a definite link between genetics and male pattern baldness, researchers now understand that hormonal imbalances are the most significant underlying factor behind male pattern hair loss. Therefore, hormone therapies that are designed to target these hormone imbalances, can be quite effective in reversing the thinning hair typical of male pattern baldness.

Is My Hair Loss Normal or Unhealthy?

Some hair loss is normal and completely natural. As part of the normal growth pattern of hair, we all shed and then regrow hair. However, there is a difference between normal or healthy “hair shedding” and unhealthy “hair loss.”

Do not panic if you see a lot of hair in the drain after you shower; chances are this is dead and dying loose hair being normally shed. But if your hair seems to be coming out “in clumps” when you brush it or run your fingers through your hair and if you are noticing a receding hairline or patches of baldness, then you are likely experiencing hair loss or male pattern baldness.

Who is at Greater Risk for Male Pattern Baldness?

The two most important factors in assessing your risk for developing male pattern baldness are your genes and your hormones. If your closest male relatives like your father, grandfather, and blood uncles are bald, chances are you will be as well.

Your levels of sex hormones or androgens also play a key role in your risk of developing male pattern baldness.

hair loss is unhealthy if hair seems to be coming out in clumps

Male Pattern Baldness Causes

Male pattern baldness, also known as Alopecia or Androgenetic alopecia, can have several causes or influences, but the primary causes are a genetic dispensation toward the condition and hormonal issues.

Several medical conditions can lead to hair loss in men. Interestingly enough, one of the reported side effects of a COVID-19 infection in men is hair loss. Other medical conditions that can lead to hair loss in men include, iron deficiencies, vitamin D deficiency, or thyroid issues.

Stress and certain medications such as blood thinners and beta-blockers list hair loss as a possible side effect, as do non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and some antidepressants.

Can Hormone Imbalance Be the Cause of Male Baldness?

In addition to the possible causes for hair loss in males discussed above, male pattern baldness is quite often the result of hormonal imbalances in men. As mentioned, there is certainly a genetic propensity towards male pattern hair loss, but it can also be caused by hormonal issues.

Testosterone and human growth hormone, or HGH, both play a significant role in hair growth and hair health. Unfortunately, both of these hormones decline as a man ages. This age-related hormone loss leads to hormonal imbalances that could be the cause of male pattern baldness.

In the case of testosterone, it is not low testosterone per se that causes hair loss. Testosterone and cortisol are what are known as “hormonal antagonists,” meaning that the lower your testosterone drops, the greater the level of cortisol increases. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, and among other damaging effects, it has on men, as testosterone drops and cortisol increases, is that it causes hair to fall out.

HGH has more of a direct impact on hair growth and hair loss in males. HGH is responsible for the growth, health, and rejuvenation of every cell in the body, including the cells within hair follicles responsible for hair growth. As HGH levels drop with age, the cells of the scalp responsible for hair growth die off in greater volume than can be replaced, and male pattern baldness can be the result.

Hormone replacement therapies designed to bring your levels of HGH and testosterone back into balance, can be very effective treatments for hormonal hair loss.

it's essential to check your hormone levels to treat male pattern baldness
hgh and testosterone deficiencies may be the cause of hair loss in men

Is Male Pattern Baldness Curable – How Is it Treated?

The good news for men suffering from male pattern baldness is that there are now several effective treatments for hair restoration. Some of the most common treatments to cure male pattern baldness include the following:

  • Medicines – The most effective medicine that has been developed for hair loss in men is minoxidil. Especially in its earliest stages, male pattern baldness can be effectively treated with topical creams or foams that contain minoxidil. Minoxidil also comes in pill form, but there are risks to using minoxidil orally for hair loss. Minoxidil used to be a prescription-only medication; however, it is available over the counter in various forms. Since minoxidil, another prescription medication for male pattern baldness has been introduced known as finasteride. It has been shown to slow down or reverse hair loss in about 80% to 90% of men taking it. Like minoxidil, it is most effective when taken at the very first signs of hair loss.
  • Hair transplant – A hair transplant can be used at any stage of male pattern baldness to actually replace and regrow lost hair. However, this is the most expensive option to treat baldness, and is an invasive surgical procedure, and like any such procedure, has many risks.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) – Platelet-rich plasma is a relatively new method to treat hair loss in men. It uses injections that contain stem cells and growth factors in your own blood to rejuvenate the scalp and hair follicles by increasing blood flow and stimulating hair regrowth. Our patients using PRP have experienced significant hair loss within a few months of treatment. However, the regrowth is temporary and additional shots are required to maintain your results.
  • Hormone replacement therapy – We now know that a primary cause of male pattern baldness are hormonal imbalances within the body. If your hair loss is found to be hormonal – and there is a very good chance that it is – then hormone therapy can be your best option for long-term results.

Contact Us to Get HRT Prescribed

Contact us and get the best treatment for the primary cause of hair loss in males – hormonal imbalance.

Can You Prevent Male Pattern Baldness?

While in many cases, male pattern baldness may be genetically inevitable, you can do certain things to help keep your hair strong and healthy and minimize hair loss, even if you are genetically predisposed to baldness.

As mentioned earlier, the stress hormone cortisol plays a major role in the development of male pattern baldness; therefore, any actions you take to reduce or minimize stress can help prevent or minimize hair loss.

You can also help slow hair loss by making some changes to your diet. If you want to minimize male pattern baldness, you should eat a diet high in healthy proteins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and fresh fruits and vegetables. If you’re trying to prevent baldness, you can take vitamins such as iron, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc.


As you can see, there can be many causes for male pattern baldness and several possible treatments. However, if you are experiencing hair loss due to age-related hormone decline of critical hormones such as testosterone and HGH, hormone replacement therapy can be a very effective way to slow or even reverse hormone-related hair loss.

One of the many benefits our patients on hormone replacement therapies for men notice is improved hair health and regrowth of hair.

Other benefits of testosterone therapy and growth hormone replacement include:

But only your doctor can determine if your hair loss and perhaps other symptoms, like a lack of energy or decreased sexual function, are the result of a hormone imbalance. If you are a man between the ages of 40 and 65, and think you may be suffering from age-related hormone loss, it is a good idea to see a doctor and have your testosterone and HGH levels checked.

Get in touch

Please get in touch and our expert support team will answer all your questions about HRT therapy.

8199 West River Street

Brooklyn, New York 11224

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